NEWS31 March 2015

US CEOs ‘take customers more seriously’

News North America UK

UK — US CEOs “take customers more seriously” than their UK counterparts, according to a new report from Nunwood.


The US Customer Experience Excellence Report discusses which brands are performing most strongly, what they are doing and how the UK compares to the US for customer service.

Its findings have revealed that US brands are, on average, 5% ‘better’ than the UK; Americans are more likely to be dealing with an ‘outstanding’ company than their UK counterparts; and that six of the top 10 US brands are ‘better’ than the UK leader, First Direct.

The report also reveals that US CEOs appear to take customers more seriously. The findings suggest that they are more likely to bring customers into their boardroom, interact with them on a daily basis and “sit at the helm of organisations that live and breathe customer experience”.

“Whilst there are many examples of great UK brands, excellent customer experiences occur more frequently and more consistently in in the USA,” said Tim Knight, senior partner at Nunwood. “The way American CEOs run their businesses, their digital investments and business models provide rich sources of learning for UK brands with similar ambitions.”

The research was based on 7,500 responses from US consumers, covering 225 brands. The full report can be downloaded here.