NEWS2 October 2012

ComScore adds video to Campaign Essentials measurement tool

North America Technology

US— ComScore has launched a new service to measure online video advertising performance in a way it hopes will bring internet metrics more in line with those used in the television industry.

The new Validated Campaign Essentials (VCE) for Video measures gross rating points, demographics and behavioural profiles for online video audiences as well as the extent that an advert was actually “viewed” by consumers.

Anne Hunter (pictured), SVP of advertising effectiveness products at ComScore, said: “Our extensive work to date measuring online video has shown it to be an extremely effective advertising platform, especially at reaching younger audience targets. But the introduction of viewability measurement provides an important new level of validation that significantly improves the ability to quantify the impact of video ads.”

ComScore launched its Validated Campaign Essentials service, which provides similar data for non-video adverts, earlier this year.