NEWS5 November 2014

IPA and Meta announce smartphone data visualisation tool

News Technology UK

UK — Meta, the data consultancy division of Kinetic Worldwide, has developed bespoke visualisation tool TouchPoints Smart for the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA).

TouchPoints Smart can track previously unavailable smartphone data, including calls, texts, top apps and websites visited by mobile users and how these habits change over peak/ off-peak times.

The tool will include “dynamically updated summary charts” based upon the audience selected.

“This tool makes it easy for subscribers to quickly gain insight from a highly complex and extremely large data set,” said Belinda Beeftink, deputy research director at IPA.

“It brings the analysis to the user and means that access to the data is not limited to specialist analysts. The IPA is delighted with the result and we are looking forward to working with Meta on future analytics projects.”