NEWS16 November 2012

Publishers Australia signs agreement with Effective Measure

Asia Pacific Features

AUSTRALIA — Publishing body Publishers Australia has reached an agreement with Effective Measure to provide audience profiling to its members via free tagging of their websites.

The deal will be extended to all publishers’ networks that deliver under four million page views per month and will run for 12 months. Effective Measure will run surveys on their sites which will give Australian publishers insights into their audiences.

Publishers will have 24/7 access to this data on their own dedicated dashboards, which they can them share with media agencies, advertisers and research organisations.

“The alliance with Effective Measure will give our members the tools and data to take on the digital shift with greater ease and in a huge scale,” said Publishers Australia CEO Matthew Green (pictured).

Effective Measure CEO Richard Webb added: “This alliance will help publishers of all sizes and stages in their digital development reap the benefits of high-end measurement and sophisticated data that their larger counterparts already leverage to extend commercial opportunities.”