NEWS21 July 2009

Nielsen launches web audience measurement in Taiwan

Asia Pacific Data analytics

TAIWAN— Nielsen has launched a new internet audience measurement service in Taiwan.

The new Nielsen Online Market Intelligence service provides total traffic data and audience demographics for websites through a mix of page-tagging technology and survey responses.

Nielsen claims the service will also identify advertising opportunities, and inform media budget allocation and post-campaign evaluations for ad and media agencies.

Tina Teng, Nielsen’s executive director of media research in Taiwan, said: “Nielsen Online Market Intelligence provides independent, third-party verification of internet traffic to allow publishers, site owners and media and advertising agencies to benchmark the true performance of websites and advertising campaigns based on consistent and accurate online reporting metrics.”

Y C Chu, chairman of the Media Agency Association and managing director of Carat Taiwan, said: “The fundamental difference between Nielsen Online Market Intelligence and other existing reports in the market is that it measures from the media side directly so we can better understand what kind of visitors go to the websites and the quality and quantity at these websites.”