OPINION16 August 2011

Ex-NetRatings boss and the bomb collar scare

A couple of weeks ago, you may recall, there was a harrowing story about an 18-year-old woman from Sydney who, in a suspected extortion attempt at her home, had what was thought to be a bomb strapped to her neck. The bomb was later revealed to be a fake.

Until now it had escaped our notice that the woman, Madeleine Pulver, is the daughter of William Pulver – the former president and CEO of online market research agency NetRatings. He was president of the company from 1999 until July 2007, when Nielsen bought out the company (having previously been a majority shareholder).

Pulver is now CEO of Appen Butler Hill, a voice recognition software company. The Herald Sun has a profile.

Today it was reported that a 50-year-old suspect, Paul ‘Doug’ Peters, has been arrested in the USA in connection with the attack. Australian authorities are seeking extradition. Read the BBC’s report here.