OPINION23 March 2011

And the nominees are...

The Research 2011 conference awards shortlist has just been announced.

Best Paper
For the best formal written paper presented at conference and published in the conference proceedings.

- Phil Barden:
The appliance of neuroscience
- Rachel Lawes:
Rebranding Charmin: A case study in semiotics
- Joel Williams:
Survey methods in an age of austerity: Driving value in survey design

Best Presenter
This is given for the best presentation during the conference.

- Bob Cook for:
Direct Impact: A new role for research in managing influence
- Philip Garland for:
Sampling v. scale in the internet age
- Rachel Lawes for:
Rebranding Charmin: A case study in semiotics

Best Newcomer
This is given to a younger person who has never presented at the Research Annual Conference before.

- Ella Fryer-Smith for the presentation of her paper:
The value of the visual: Using the public’s visual experience to improve local places
- Gavin Holt for his paper:
Bringing ideas to life
- Neil Wholey for his contribution to the session:
The client/agency summit
- Anna Wills for her paper:
Harnessing the power of the people: Getting people talking about TalkTalk

Best Session
This is an all-encompassing award that acknowledges how a session can inform, entertain and inspire.

- Futurology Interview
- Neuroscience
- Online Research

Best workshop
This award is judged on the interactivity, practicality, originality and management of the workshop.

- Ayisha de Lanerolle for:
Survey research will be dead by 2020
- Tom Ewing and Nick Gadsby for:
- John Griffiths and Joanna Chrzanowska for:
Join the great global crowdsourcing experiment

Best overall contribution to conference
This award can be made for any contribution which has really added value to the conference experience.
- Simon Chadwick for conceiving, developing and chairing the Client/Agency Summit
- Tom Ewing for his presentation and management of the Nerdtopia workshop and his participation in other sessions through the conference
- Nick Southgate for chairing Behavioural Economics

The winners will be announced – and the awards presented – at the annual Research Awards dinner in London on the evening of Monday 12 December.